477 research outputs found

    The EnMAP Managed Vegetation Scientific Processor

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    Nach jahrelanger wissenschaftlicher und technischer Vorbereitungszeit wird voraussichtlich Ende des Jahres 2020 der Start der orbitalen Phase einer unbemannten deutschen Weltraum-Mission initiiert. Das Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP) wird an Bord des gleichnamigen Satelliten einen hyperspektralen Sensor zur Erfassung terrestrischer OberflĂ€chen tragen. In den Umweltdisziplinen zur Erforschung von Ökosystemen, landwirtschaftlicher, forstwirtschaftlicher und urbaner FlĂ€chen, im Bereich der KĂŒsten- und InlandsgewĂ€sser sowie der Geologie und Bodenkunde bereitete man sich im Vorfeld des Starts auf die kommenden Daten vor. Zwar existiert bereits eine Vielzahl an Algorithmen zur wissenschaftlichen Analyse von spektralen Daten, allerdings ergeben sich auch neue Herausforderungen, da die EnMAP-Mission bislang im weltweiten Kontext der Fernerkundung einzigartig ist. Die Abdeckung des vollen optischen Spektrums (420 nm – 2450 nm) in Verbindung mit einer moderaten rĂ€umlichen Auflösung von 30 m und einem hohen Signal-Rausch-VerhĂ€ltnis von mindestens 180 im kurzwelligen Infrarot und ĂŒber 400 im sichtbaren Spektrum, ermöglichen eine AufnahmequalitĂ€t, die bislang nur von flugzeuggestĂŒtzten Systemen erreicht werden konnte. Die BemĂŒhungen in dieser Dissertation umfassen AktivitĂ€ten in der wissenschaftlichen Vorbereitungsphase zu agrargeographischen Fragestellungen. Algorithmen und Tools zur Analyse der hyperspektralen Daten werden kostenlos im QGIS-Plugin EnMAP-Box 3 zur VerfĂŒgung gestellt. Die drĂ€ngenden Fragen im Agrarsektor drehen sich hierbei um die Ableitung biochemischer und biophysikalischer Parameter aus Fernerkundungsdaten, weshalb die ĂŒbergeordnete Problemstellung des Promotionsvorhabens die Entwicklung eines wissenschaftsbasierten EnMAP-Tools fĂŒr bewirtschaftete VegetationsflĂ€chen (EnMAP Managed Vegetation Scientific Processor) darstellt. Zu Beginn wurde eine umfassende Feldkampagne geplant, welche ab April 2014 umgesetzt wurde. Neben der spektralen Erfassung von Blatt-, Bestands- und Bodensignaturen in einem Winterweizen- und einem Maisfeld erfolgte auch die Messung wesentlicher Pflanzenparameter an den exakt gleichen Positionen. Hierzu zĂ€hlt die non-destruktive Ableitung des BlattflĂ€chenindex (LAI), des Blattchlorophyllgehalts (Ccab), des Blattwassergehalts (EWT oder Cw), des relativen Blatttrockengewichts (LMA oder Cm), des mittleren Blattneigungswinkels im Bestand (ALIA) sowie weiterer sekundĂ€rer Parameter wie Wuchshöhe, das phĂ€nologisches Stadium und der Sonnenvektor. Um die FĂ€higkeit des spĂ€teren EnMAP-Satelliten sich um bis zu 30° orthogonal zur Flugrichtung zu kippen nachzustellen, wurden die spektralen Aufnahmen aus verschiedenen Betrachtungswinkeln erstellt, die dieser Aufnahme-Geometrien nachempfunden sind. Ein gĂ€ngiges Verfahren zur Ableitung der relevanten Pflanzenparameter ist die Verwendung des Strahlungstransfermodells PROSAIL, welches das spektrale Signal einer VegetationsflĂ€che auf Basis der zugrundeliegenden biophysikalischen und biochemischen Parameter simuliert. Bei der Umkehr dieses Prozesses können ebendiese Variablen von gemessenen spektralen Daten abgeleitet werden. Hierzu wurde eine Datenbank (Look-Up-Table, LUT) aus PROSAIL-ModelllĂ€ufen aufgebaut und die in den Feldkampagnen gemessenen Spektren mit dieser abgeglichen. Mit dieser Methode der LUT-Invertierung aus unterschiedlichen Aufnahmewinkeln konnten Genauigkeiten bei der LAI-SchĂ€tzung von 18 % und bei Blattchlorophyll von 20 % erzielt werden. Eine starke Anisotropie, also eine ReflexionsabhĂ€ngigkeit von der Beleuchtungs- und Aufnahmerichtung, wurde bei Winterweizen vor allem fĂŒr frĂŒhe Entwicklungsstadien festgestellt. Bei einer anschließenden Studie zur Unsicherheitsanalyse des Spektralmodells wurden PROSAIL-Ergebnisse, bei denen real gemessene Pflanzenparameter als Input dienten, den zugehörigen Reflektanzspektren gegenĂŒbergestellt. Es zeigten sich hierbei mitunter starke Abweichungen zwischen gemessenen und modellierten Spektren, die im Falle des Winterweizens einen saisonalen Verlauf zeichneten. Vor allem wĂ€hrend frĂŒhen Wachstumsstadien tendierte das Modell dazu die Reflektanz im nahen Infrarot zu ĂŒberschĂ€tzen, wĂ€hrend es gegen Ende der Wachstumsperiode eher eine UnterschĂ€tzung aufwies. Als Unsicherheitsfaktor wurde die Parametrisierung des Modells ausgemacht, wenn der ALIA-Parameter als echter physikalische Blattwinkel interpretiert wird. Es wurde geschlussfolgert, dass eine Separierung von LAI und ALIA bei der Invertierung von PROSAIL eine korrekte AbschĂ€tzung der weniger sensitiven Parameter behindert. Die Erstellung des Vegetations-Prozessors erforderte die Verwendung von Regressions-Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens (MLRA), da eine Verteilung von großen LUTs an die User nicht praktikabel wĂ€re. Die MLRAs wurden an synthetischen DatensĂ€tzen trainiert, wobei zunĂ€chst die Optimierung der Hyperparameter im Vordergrund stand, bevor die Anwendung an echten Spektraldaten unternommen wurde. Es konnten dabei erst aussagekrĂ€ftige Ergebnisse produziert werden, als die Trainingsdaten mit einem kĂŒnstlichen Rauschen belegt wurden, da die Algorithmen unter einer Überanpassung an die Modellumgebung litten. Mithilfe des Prozessors konnten schließlich LAI, ALIA, Ccab und Cw aus hyperspektralen Daten abgeleitet werden. KĂŒnstliche neuronale Netze dienen dabei als Blackbox-Modelle, die in kurzer Zeit große Datenmengen verarbeiten können und somit einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur modernen angewandten Fernerkundung fĂŒr eine breite User-Community leisten.After years of scientific and technical preparation, the launch of an unmanned German space-mission is planned to be initiated in 2020. The Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP) is going to provide an equally named hyperspectral imager to map land surfaces. Scientists of environmental disciplines of monitoring of ecosystems, agricultural, forestry and urban areas as well as coastal and inland waters, geology and soils prepared themselves for the upcoming data prior to the actual launch. Although there already exists a variety of useful algorithms for a profound analysis of spectral data, new challenges will arise given the uniqueness of the EnMAP-mission in the global context of remote sensing; i.e. coverage of the full range of the optical spectrum (420 nm – 2450 nm) in combination with a moderate spatial resolution of 30 m and a high signal-to-noise ratio of at least 180 in the shortwave infrared and above 400 in the visible spectrum. This enables an imaging quality which to this date has only been reached by airborne systems. The efforts of this dissertation comprise activities in the scientific preparation phase for agro-geographical tasks. Algorithms and tools for an analysis of hyperspectral data are being provided for free in the QGIS-plugin EnMAP-Box 3. Urgent questions in the agricultural sector revolve around the derivation of biochemical and biophysical parameters from remote sensing data. For this reason, the overarching objective of this promotion is the development of a scientific EnMAP-tool for managed areas of vegetation (EnMAP Managed Vegetation Scientific Processor). At first, an extensive field campaign was planned and then started in April, 2014. Apart from spectral observations of leaves, canopies and soils in a winter wheat and a maize field, also relevant plant parameters were acquired at the exact same spots. Namely, they are the Leaf Area Index (LAI), leaf chlorophyll content (Ccab), leaf water content (EWT or Cw), relative dry leaf weight (LMA or Cm), Average Leaf Inclination Angle (ALIA) as well as other secondary parameters like canopy height, phenological stage and the solar vector. Spectral measurements were captured from different observation angles to match ground data with the sensing geometry of the future EnMAP-satellite, which can be tilted up to 30° orthogonal to its direction of flight. A common procedure to derive relevant crop parameters is to make use of the radiative transfer model PROSAIL, which simulates the spectral signal of a vegetated surface based on biophysical and biochemical input parameters. If this process is reverted, said parameters can be derived from measured spectral data. To do so, a Look-Up-Table (LUT) is built containing model runs of PROSAIL and then subsequently compared against spectra from the field campaigns. With this approach of LUT-inversions from different observation angles, an accuracy of 18 % could be achieved for LAI and 20 % for Ccab. Strong anisotropic effects, i.e. dependence on illumination geometry and sensor orientation, were identified for winter wheat mainly in the early stages of plant development. In a consecutive study about uncertainties of the spectral model, PROSAIL results fed with in situ measured crop parameters as input, were opposed to their associated reflectance signatures. A strong deviation between measured and modelled spectra was observed, which – in the case of winter wheat – showed a seasonal behavior. The model tended to overestimate reflectances in the near infrared for early phenological stages and to underestimate them at end of the growing period. The parametrization of the model was identified as an uncertainty factor if the ALIA parameter is interpreted as true physical leaf inclinations. It was concluded that a separation of LAI and ALIA at inversion of PROSAIL prevents an adequate estimation of the less sensitive parameters. The development of the vegetation processor required the use of Machine Learning Regression Algorithms (MLRA), since distribution of large LUTs to the user would be impracticable. The MLRAs were trained with synthetic datasets with primary importance to optimize their hyperparameters, before attempting to apply the algorithms to real spectral data. Significant results could not be obtained until training data were altered with artificial noise, because algorithms suffered from overfitting to the model environment. Executing the processor allowed to derive LAI, ALIA, Ccab and Cw from hyperspectral data. Artificial neural networks served as black box models, which digest great amount of data in a short period of time and thus make a decisive contribution to modern applied remote sensing with relevance for a broad user-community

    The EnMAP Managed Vegetation Scientific Processor

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    Nach jahrelanger wissenschaftlicher und technischer Vorbereitungszeit wird voraussichtlich Ende des Jahres 2020 der Start der orbitalen Phase einer unbemannten deutschen Weltraum-Mission initiiert. Das Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP) wird an Bord des gleichnamigen Satelliten einen hyperspektralen Sensor zur Erfassung terrestrischer OberflĂ€chen tragen. In den Umweltdisziplinen zur Erforschung von Ökosystemen, landwirtschaftlicher, forstwirtschaftlicher und urbaner FlĂ€chen, im Bereich der KĂŒsten- und InlandsgewĂ€sser sowie der Geologie und Bodenkunde bereitete man sich im Vorfeld des Starts auf die kommenden Daten vor. Zwar existiert bereits eine Vielzahl an Algorithmen zur wissenschaftlichen Analyse von spektralen Daten, allerdings ergeben sich auch neue Herausforderungen, da die EnMAP-Mission bislang im weltweiten Kontext der Fernerkundung einzigartig ist. Die Abdeckung des vollen optischen Spektrums (420 nm – 2450 nm) in Verbindung mit einer moderaten rĂ€umlichen Auflösung von 30 m und einem hohen Signal-Rausch-VerhĂ€ltnis von mindestens 180 im kurzwelligen Infrarot und ĂŒber 400 im sichtbaren Spektrum, ermöglichen eine AufnahmequalitĂ€t, die bislang nur von flugzeuggestĂŒtzten Systemen erreicht werden konnte. Die BemĂŒhungen in dieser Dissertation umfassen AktivitĂ€ten in der wissenschaftlichen Vorbereitungsphase zu agrargeographischen Fragestellungen. Algorithmen und Tools zur Analyse der hyperspektralen Daten werden kostenlos im QGIS-Plugin EnMAP-Box 3 zur VerfĂŒgung gestellt. Die drĂ€ngenden Fragen im Agrarsektor drehen sich hierbei um die Ableitung biochemischer und biophysikalischer Parameter aus Fernerkundungsdaten, weshalb die ĂŒbergeordnete Problemstellung des Promotionsvorhabens die Entwicklung eines wissenschaftsbasierten EnMAP-Tools fĂŒr bewirtschaftete VegetationsflĂ€chen (EnMAP Managed Vegetation Scientific Processor) darstellt. Zu Beginn wurde eine umfassende Feldkampagne geplant, welche ab April 2014 umgesetzt wurde. Neben der spektralen Erfassung von Blatt-, Bestands- und Bodensignaturen in einem Winterweizen- und einem Maisfeld erfolgte auch die Messung wesentlicher Pflanzenparameter an den exakt gleichen Positionen. Hierzu zĂ€hlt die non-destruktive Ableitung des BlattflĂ€chenindex (LAI), des Blattchlorophyllgehalts (Ccab), des Blattwassergehalts (EWT oder Cw), des relativen Blatttrockengewichts (LMA oder Cm), des mittleren Blattneigungswinkels im Bestand (ALIA) sowie weiterer sekundĂ€rer Parameter wie Wuchshöhe, das phĂ€nologisches Stadium und der Sonnenvektor. Um die FĂ€higkeit des spĂ€teren EnMAP-Satelliten sich um bis zu 30° orthogonal zur Flugrichtung zu kippen nachzustellen, wurden die spektralen Aufnahmen aus verschiedenen Betrachtungswinkeln erstellt, die dieser Aufnahme-Geometrien nachempfunden sind. Ein gĂ€ngiges Verfahren zur Ableitung der relevanten Pflanzenparameter ist die Verwendung des Strahlungstransfermodells PROSAIL, welches das spektrale Signal einer VegetationsflĂ€che auf Basis der zugrundeliegenden biophysikalischen und biochemischen Parameter simuliert. Bei der Umkehr dieses Prozesses können ebendiese Variablen von gemessenen spektralen Daten abgeleitet werden. Hierzu wurde eine Datenbank (Look-Up-Table, LUT) aus PROSAIL-ModelllĂ€ufen aufgebaut und die in den Feldkampagnen gemessenen Spektren mit dieser abgeglichen. Mit dieser Methode der LUT-Invertierung aus unterschiedlichen Aufnahmewinkeln konnten Genauigkeiten bei der LAI-SchĂ€tzung von 18 % und bei Blattchlorophyll von 20 % erzielt werden. Eine starke Anisotropie, also eine ReflexionsabhĂ€ngigkeit von der Beleuchtungs- und Aufnahmerichtung, wurde bei Winterweizen vor allem fĂŒr frĂŒhe Entwicklungsstadien festgestellt. Bei einer anschließenden Studie zur Unsicherheitsanalyse des Spektralmodells wurden PROSAIL-Ergebnisse, bei denen real gemessene Pflanzenparameter als Input dienten, den zugehörigen Reflektanzspektren gegenĂŒbergestellt. Es zeigten sich hierbei mitunter starke Abweichungen zwischen gemessenen und modellierten Spektren, die im Falle des Winterweizens einen saisonalen Verlauf zeichneten. Vor allem wĂ€hrend frĂŒhen Wachstumsstadien tendierte das Modell dazu die Reflektanz im nahen Infrarot zu ĂŒberschĂ€tzen, wĂ€hrend es gegen Ende der Wachstumsperiode eher eine UnterschĂ€tzung aufwies. Als Unsicherheitsfaktor wurde die Parametrisierung des Modells ausgemacht, wenn der ALIA-Parameter als echter physikalische Blattwinkel interpretiert wird. Es wurde geschlussfolgert, dass eine Separierung von LAI und ALIA bei der Invertierung von PROSAIL eine korrekte AbschĂ€tzung der weniger sensitiven Parameter behindert. Die Erstellung des Vegetations-Prozessors erforderte die Verwendung von Regressions-Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens (MLRA), da eine Verteilung von großen LUTs an die User nicht praktikabel wĂ€re. Die MLRAs wurden an synthetischen DatensĂ€tzen trainiert, wobei zunĂ€chst die Optimierung der Hyperparameter im Vordergrund stand, bevor die Anwendung an echten Spektraldaten unternommen wurde. Es konnten dabei erst aussagekrĂ€ftige Ergebnisse produziert werden, als die Trainingsdaten mit einem kĂŒnstlichen Rauschen belegt wurden, da die Algorithmen unter einer Überanpassung an die Modellumgebung litten. Mithilfe des Prozessors konnten schließlich LAI, ALIA, Ccab und Cw aus hyperspektralen Daten abgeleitet werden. KĂŒnstliche neuronale Netze dienen dabei als Blackbox-Modelle, die in kurzer Zeit große Datenmengen verarbeiten können und somit einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur modernen angewandten Fernerkundung fĂŒr eine breite User-Community leisten.After years of scientific and technical preparation, the launch of an unmanned German space-mission is planned to be initiated in 2020. The Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP) is going to provide an equally named hyperspectral imager to map land surfaces. Scientists of environmental disciplines of monitoring of ecosystems, agricultural, forestry and urban areas as well as coastal and inland waters, geology and soils prepared themselves for the upcoming data prior to the actual launch. Although there already exists a variety of useful algorithms for a profound analysis of spectral data, new challenges will arise given the uniqueness of the EnMAP-mission in the global context of remote sensing; i.e. coverage of the full range of the optical spectrum (420 nm – 2450 nm) in combination with a moderate spatial resolution of 30 m and a high signal-to-noise ratio of at least 180 in the shortwave infrared and above 400 in the visible spectrum. This enables an imaging quality which to this date has only been reached by airborne systems. The efforts of this dissertation comprise activities in the scientific preparation phase for agro-geographical tasks. Algorithms and tools for an analysis of hyperspectral data are being provided for free in the QGIS-plugin EnMAP-Box 3. Urgent questions in the agricultural sector revolve around the derivation of biochemical and biophysical parameters from remote sensing data. For this reason, the overarching objective of this promotion is the development of a scientific EnMAP-tool for managed areas of vegetation (EnMAP Managed Vegetation Scientific Processor). At first, an extensive field campaign was planned and then started in April, 2014. Apart from spectral observations of leaves, canopies and soils in a winter wheat and a maize field, also relevant plant parameters were acquired at the exact same spots. Namely, they are the Leaf Area Index (LAI), leaf chlorophyll content (Ccab), leaf water content (EWT or Cw), relative dry leaf weight (LMA or Cm), Average Leaf Inclination Angle (ALIA) as well as other secondary parameters like canopy height, phenological stage and the solar vector. Spectral measurements were captured from different observation angles to match ground data with the sensing geometry of the future EnMAP-satellite, which can be tilted up to 30° orthogonal to its direction of flight. A common procedure to derive relevant crop parameters is to make use of the radiative transfer model PROSAIL, which simulates the spectral signal of a vegetated surface based on biophysical and biochemical input parameters. If this process is reverted, said parameters can be derived from measured spectral data. To do so, a Look-Up-Table (LUT) is built containing model runs of PROSAIL and then subsequently compared against spectra from the field campaigns. With this approach of LUT-inversions from different observation angles, an accuracy of 18 % could be achieved for LAI and 20 % for Ccab. Strong anisotropic effects, i.e. dependence on illumination geometry and sensor orientation, were identified for winter wheat mainly in the early stages of plant development. In a consecutive study about uncertainties of the spectral model, PROSAIL results fed with in situ measured crop parameters as input, were opposed to their associated reflectance signatures. A strong deviation between measured and modelled spectra was observed, which – in the case of winter wheat – showed a seasonal behavior. The model tended to overestimate reflectances in the near infrared for early phenological stages and to underestimate them at end of the growing period. The parametrization of the model was identified as an uncertainty factor if the ALIA parameter is interpreted as true physical leaf inclinations. It was concluded that a separation of LAI and ALIA at inversion of PROSAIL prevents an adequate estimation of the less sensitive parameters. The development of the vegetation processor required the use of Machine Learning Regression Algorithms (MLRA), since distribution of large LUTs to the user would be impracticable. The MLRAs were trained with synthetic datasets with primary importance to optimize their hyperparameters, before attempting to apply the algorithms to real spectral data. Significant results could not be obtained until training data were altered with artificial noise, because algorithms suffered from overfitting to the model environment. Executing the processor allowed to derive LAI, ALIA, Ccab and Cw from hyperspectral data. Artificial neural networks served as black box models, which digest great amount of data in a short period of time and thus make a decisive contribution to modern applied remote sensing with relevance for a broad user-community

    The association between personality and cognitive ability: Going beyond simple effects

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    To examine the relationship between the Big Five and cognitive ability, we investigated whether we could replicate in a heterogeneous population sample the positive association between cognitive ability and Openness and Emotional Stability and its negative association with Conscientiousness. Besides analyzing the pure associations, we shed further light on sources of these associations by investigating potential moderating effects of education and labor force participation. Our results clearly replicate the previously found positive association between cognitive ability and Emotional Stability and Openness and the negative relationship between Conscientiousness and cognitive ability. The correlation between cognitive ability and Openness was found to be moderated by educational attainment, the negative association between Conscientiousness and cognitive ability was moderated by labor force participation

    Genomic GC-content affects the accuracy of 16S rRNA gene sequencing bsed microbial profiling due to PCR bias

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    Profiling of microbial community composition is frequently performed by partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing on benchtop platforms following PCR amplification of specific hypervariable regions within this gene. Accuracy and reproducibility of this strategy are two key parameters to consider, which may be influenced during all processes from sample collection and storage, through DNA extraction and PCR based library preparation to the final sequencing. In order to evaluate both the reproducibility and accuracy of 16S rRNA gene based microbial profiling using the Ion Torrent PGM platform, we prepared libraries and performed sequencing of a well-defined and validated 20-member bacterial DNA mock community on five separate occasions and compared results with the expected even distribution. In general the applied method had a median coefficient of variance of 11.8% (range 5.5–73.7%) for all 20 included strains in the mock community across five separate sequencing runs, with underrepresented strains generally showing the largest degree of variation. In terms of accuracy, mock community species belonging to Proteobacteria were underestimated, whereas those belonging to Firmicutes were mostly overestimated. This could be explained partly by premature read truncation, but to larger degree their genomic GC-content, which correlated negatively with the observed relative abundances, suggesting a PCR bias against GC-rich species during library preparation. Increasing the initial denaturation time during the PCR amplification from 30 to 120 s resulted in an increased average relative abundance of the three mock community members with the highest genomic GC%, but did not significantly change the overall evenness of the community distribution. Therefore, efforts should be made to optimize the PCR conditions prior to sequencing in order to maximize accuracy

    Retrieval of Seasonal Leaf Area Index from Simulated EnMAP Data through Optimized LUT-Based Inversion of the PROSAIL Model

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    The upcoming satellite mission EnMAP offers the opportunity to retrieve information on the seasonal development of vegetation parameters on a regional scale based on hyperspectral data. This study aims to investigate whether an analysis method for the retrieval of leaf area index (LAI),developed and validated on the 4 m resolution scale of six airborne datasets covering the 2012 growing period, is transferable to the spaceborne 30 m resolution scale of the future EnMAP mission. The widely used PROSAIL model is applied to generate look-up-table (LUT) libraries, by which the model is inverted to derive LAI information. With the goal of defining the impact of different selection criteria in the inversion process, different techniques for the LUT based inversion are tested, such as several cost functions, type and amount of artificial noise, number of considered solutions and type of averaging method. The optimal inversion procedure (Laplace, median, 4% inverse multiplicative noise, 350 out of 100, 000 averages) is identified by validating the results against corresponding in-situ measurements (n = 330) of LAI. Finally, the best performing LUT inversion (R-2 = 0.65, RMSE = 0.64) is adapted to simulated EnMAP data, generated from the airborne acquisitions. The comparison of the retrieval results to upscaled maps of LAI, previously validated on the 4 m scale, shows that the optimized retrieval method can successfully be transferred to spaceborne EnMAP data

    Retrieval of Seasonal Leaf Area Index from Simulated EnMAP Data through Optimized LUT-Based Inversion of the PROSAIL Model

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    The upcoming satellite mission EnMAP offers the opportunity to retrieve information on the seasonal development of vegetation parameters on a regional scale based on hyperspectral data. This study aims to investigate whether an analysis method for the retrieval of leaf area index (LAI),developed and validated on the 4 m resolution scale of six airborne datasets covering the 2012 growing period, is transferable to the spaceborne 30 m resolution scale of the future EnMAP mission. The widely used PROSAIL model is applied to generate look-up-table (LUT) libraries, by which the model is inverted to derive LAI information. With the goal of defining the impact of different selection criteria in the inversion process, different techniques for the LUT based inversion are tested, such as several cost functions, type and amount of artificial noise, number of considered solutions and type of averaging method. The optimal inversion procedure (Laplace, median, 4% inverse multiplicative noise, 350 out of 100, 000 averages) is identified by validating the results against corresponding in-situ measurements (n = 330) of LAI. Finally, the best performing LUT inversion (R-2 = 0.65, RMSE = 0.64) is adapted to simulated EnMAP data, generated from the airborne acquisitions. The comparison of the retrieval results to upscaled maps of LAI, previously validated on the 4 m scale, shows that the optimized retrieval method can successfully be transferred to spaceborne EnMAP data

    Human Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor: An Effective Direct Activator of Human Polymorphonuclear Neutrophilic Granulocytes

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    Granulocyet-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) was shown to modulate different granulocyte functions. In the present study we investigated the effect of purified and recombinant human GM-CSF, particularly on the oxidative metabolism of isolated human granulocytes. In addition, ultrastructural changes upon stimulation were evaluated. For detection of granulocyte activation the following assay systems were used: 1) lucigenin-dependent chemiluminescence (CL),2) superoxide-dismutase (SOD) inhibitable cytochrome C-reduction (superoxide),3) horseradish peroxidase-mediated oxidation of phenol red (hydrogen peroxide),4) release of myeloperoxidase, 5) ultrastructural detection of hydrogen peroxide-production, and 6) scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM, respectively). A significant CL response was seen upon stimulation with recombinant human GM-CSF at concentrations ranging from 1 to 103 U/ml. The CL response started within 5-10 min with a maximum at 60 – 90 min and lasted more than 3 h. Thereafter granulocytes were completely deactivated to restimulation with the same mediator and with Tumor Necrosis Factor, but respondend to other triggers of the oxidative burst, whereas the response to f-met-leu-phe was significantly increased, The CL signal was completely blocked by an antiserum to GM-CSF. Moreover, the response was significantly inhibited by SOD and D-mannitol, suggesting the involvement of distinct reactive oxygen species (ROS) in generating the CL response. Significant amounts of superoxide were detected within 180 min after stimulation with GM-CSF, whereas, release of hydrogen peroxide and peroxidase were only minimal as shown by functional and ultrastructural assays. Activation of granulocytes could be visualized by SEM and TEM. GM-CSF stimulated cells showed an increased adherence to the substratum developing polarized filopodia and an increased number of intercellular vesicles within 30 min after addition of the stimulus. The results clearly demonstrate that GM-CSF directly stimulates granulocytes and, particularly, their oxidative metabolism. Therefore, GM-CSF which is probably released by epidermal cells appears to be a candidate for neutrophil activation in the skin, and thereby may play a crucial role in inflammatory skin diseases


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    Abstract  ∙ Many tropical birds have slow‐paced life history strategies, exhibiting lower metabolic rates, reduced annual investment in reproduction, and longer lifespans relative to birds at higher latitudes. Life history strategies have been relatively well documented in adult individuals in the tropics, but we know comparatively little about the immature life history stage. Here we examine strategies of feather replacement (molt) and fattening in immature Rufous‐collared Sparrows (Zonotrichia capensis) in a high elevation equatorial population, following a parallel, previous study on an arctic congener, the White‐crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii). In captivity, Rufous‐ collared Sparrows incurred energetic costs of experimentally induced feather growth, similar to those previously described for Zonotrichia at higher latitudes. In contrast, free‐ranging immature Rufous‐collared Sparrows in natural molt had fat stores that declined over time, opposite to patterns evident in arctic Zonotrichia that fatten before migration. Equatorial birds in good condition molted more heavily (controlling for fat stores), suggesting that body condition limits the intensity of molt. Heavily molting equatorial sparrows also had lower amounts of fat (controlling for body condition), suggesting a trade‐off between allocation of resources to fat stores versus feather growth. Molt progressed slowly in Rufous‐collared Sparrows relative to previously described patterns in their arctic congener, which is concordant with a slower pace‐of‐life syndrome in tropical, as compared with high latitude, birds. Resumen ∙ Costos energĂ©ticos y estrategias de muda post‐juvenil en un ave ecuatorial, el Chingolo (Zonotrichia capensis) Muchas especies de aves tropicales presentan historias de vida lenta, exhibiendo bajas tasas metabĂłlicas, esfuerzo reproductivo anual reducido, y mayor longevidad que las especies que habitan en latitudes mĂĄs altas. La variaciĂłn en historia de vida en especies tropicales ha sido bien documentada para individuos adultos, pero sabemos comparativa‐ mente poco de los individuos inmaduros. AquĂ­ estudiamos las estrategias de muda y deposiciĂłn de grasa en individuos inmaduros de Chingolo (Zonotrichia capensis) en una poblaciĂłn ecuatorial de altura y comparamos los resultados con un estudio similar realizado en una poblaciĂłn ĂĄrtica del congĂ©nere Chingolo Coroniblanco (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii). En cautiverio, individuos juveniles de Z. capensis incurrieron costos energĂ©ticos debidos a la muda inducida, similar lo encontrado en Z. leucophrys gambelii. En contraste, Z. capensis inmaduros mudando en libertad presentaron depĂłsitos de grasa que disminuyeron a lo largo del tiempo, lo opuesto a Z. l. gambelii, que deposita mĂĄs grasa antes de migrar. Z. capensis inmaduros en buen estado nutricional (controlando por diferencias en deposiciĂłn de grasa) mudaron de manera mĂĄs intensa, lo que sugiere que el estado nutricional limita la muda. Individuos inmaduros de Z. capensis mudando de manera intensa presentaron menor cantidad de grasa depositada (controlando por diferencias en estado nutricional), lo que sugiere un balance entre la deposiciĂłn de grasa y la muda. La muda fue mĂĄs lenta en la poblaciĂłn ecuatorial de Z. capensis comparado con la de Z. l. gambelii, lo que concuerda con lo esperado debido a la historia de vida mĂĄs lenta en aves tropicales

    Homogenized lattice Boltzmann model for simulating multi-phase flows in heterogeneous porous media

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    A homogenization approach for the simulation of multi-phase flows in heterogeneous porous media is presented. It is based on the lattice Boltzmann method and combines the grayscale with the multi-component Shan–Chen method. Thus, it mimics fluid–fluid and solid–fluid interactions also within pores that are smaller than the numerical discretization. The model is successfully tested for a broad variety of single- and two-phase flow problems. Additionally, its application to multi-scale and multi-phase flow problems in porous media is demonstrated using the electrolyte filling process of realistic 3D lithium-ion battery electrode microstructures as an example. The approach presented here shows advantages over comparable methods from literature. The interfacial tension and wetting conditions are independent and not affected by the homogenization. Moreover, all physical properties studied here are continuous even across interfaces of porous media. The method is consistent with the original multi-component Shan–Chen method (MCSC). It is as stable as the MCSC, easy to implement, and can be applied to many research fields, especially where multi-phase fluid flow occurs in heterogeneous and multi-scale porous media
